Consultation on 2030 Climate & Energy Framework

3 July 2013


The European ceramic industry welcomes the launch of the debate on the 2030 framework for climate and energy policies that followed the publication of the European Commission’s Green Paper on this subject. A predictable regulatory framework is essential for a sector with long-term investment cycles like ceramics. Indeed, European and national policies in the field of climate and energy have a major impact on the competitiveness of the ceramic industry.


The impact of the crisis on the EU economy, the access to new energy sources and the recent experience with international negotiations clearly show that the domestic and international context of EU climate and energy policies has changed dramatically. Therefore, the debate on the 2030 framework should give the opportunity to “think outside the box” and not only to define adjustments to existing policy instruments. This implies a rethinking of the current cost-driven approach based on unilateral binding targets. Consequently, the 2030 framework should establish a regulatory environment that favours access to secure energy sources at internationally competitive prices and promotes investments in R&D and low carbon technologies. At the same time, the debate on climate objectives should be based on a bottom-up approach that addresses also the technical feasibility and the cost efficiency of emission reductions.