European Commission High level expert group on energy intensive industries

28 February 2018


On 28 February 2018, the European Commission held the 3rd meeting of the High Level Expert Group on Energy Intensive Industries (HLG EII). It was devoted to the long term vision for decarbonisation of energy intensive industries. The meeting was opened by Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska and followed by a presentations from industry members of their recommendations for the HLG EII.


The recommendations, co-signed by the Cerame-Unie in its capacity as a member of the HLG EII, focused on a need to develop a comprehensive masterplan for competitive, low carbon, and sustainable energy intensive industries. As a starting point, such a plan should draw upon the various sectoral roadmaps and visions that industry has developed. Industry also called for the development of a stable EU regulatory framework, including climate and energy policies, which shall provide industries with long-term predictability. A discussion on the long-term vision for decarbonisation of energy intensive sectors followed and a continuation of work on the topic is expected in the framework of the HLG.


See here for Cerame-Unie's sectoral roadmap Paving the Way to 2050.