As stakeholders from the European process industry continue their search for measures to facilitate the transfer of innovation, the HARMONI project has acted as a catalyst, bringing together over 150 experts to foster innovation activities.
From 16-17 January 2019, the HARMONI summit brought together more than 150 European experts in the search for solutions to facilitate the transfer of technologies and innovation in process industries. HARMONI is a project of A.SPIRE, the European association which is managing the Sustainable Process Industry (SPIRE) Public-Private Partnership under the EU framework program Horizon 2020. Ceramics represents one of the eight energy-intensive sectors represented under SPIRE.
The first day was focused on presentations, the second day was split into six workshops. Topics discussed included circular economy, waste management, and standardisation. Representatives from all sectors of the process industry, the European Commission and European standardisation bodies exchanged opinions and engaged in discussions. HARMONI will continue until October 2019; recommendations will be sent to industry as well as to regulatory and standardisation bodies. Read more here.
HARMONI stands for “Harmonised assessment of regulatory bottlenecks and standardisation needs for the process industry” and it is an EU-funded project under Horizon 2020 with the objective of jointly identifying, analysing and proposing solutions to regulatory bottlenecks and standardisation needs in the European process industry. Visit the website for more.